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A focus on transformation

Bbeee New

One of the key strategic objectives within the Retail Motor Industry Organisation is to drive transformation in the automotive industry in order to make a difference and enhance broad-based transformation in South Africa.

“Joy Oldale, our previous RMI Transformation Director, has left the RMI to pursue other opportunities. She was involved in various transformation projects and initiatives, which we would like to continue without interruption,” says Jakkie Olivier, Chief Executive Officer of the Retail Motor Industry Organisation (RMI). Olivier says the organisation is committed to transformation and keeping up the momentum is key. RMI has subsequently appointed Mrs Noni Tshabalala as its new Transformation Director with effect from 1 August 2020. “We trust and believe that you will give Noni your support in her new role,” says Olivier.

New Venture Creation (NVC) program – Gauteng pilot in motion against all odds

With all the challenges that the COVID-19 Pandemic has brought upon the whole globe, it is very inspirational to know that the New Venture Creation program has kept its momentum against all odds.

Louis van Huyssteen, Training Director for the RMI says the RMI has engaged Equal Career Services / BCS Training Academy to become the new replacement Skills Development Provider on this transformation programme. He says the months of August and September 2020 are being dedicated to facilitating the Learnership Programme according to their processes and requirements, specifically plugging gaps and completion of Module 3 by the end of September 2020. 

The goal is to be on a 50% completion rate by the end of October 2020. On the 8th of August 2020, a session was held at the BCS Training Academy to provide an overview to the group on the rules and regulations of the learnership as well as the support structures during the program.  A further two face-to-face sessions were scheduled on the 29th of August as well as the 5th of September 2020 to complete Module 3 – Numeracy Skills. “These sessions proved to be very fruitful and productive,” he says.

Additional assistance was also offered to the group during this period to assist with the catch-up of outstanding Portfolios of Evidence documents for the first 3 modules.  Module 4 will commence from 1 October 2020.  Van Huyssteen says a progress report on project administration was submitted to merSETA for the tranche 4th payment. 

The RMI was also instrumental, in conjunction with joint venture Health and Safety provider CSRS, to assist members of the New Venture Creation pilot group to complete and submit a bulk application for a COVID Workplace Safety (online learning) on the available ‘Small Medium Enterprises Discretionary Grant 2020/2021’ window to the Wholesale and Retail SETA (WR SETA).

In conversation with Isaac Boshomane

The RMI also caught up with Mr Isaac Boshomane of Kgabo Cars, to find out from him how the New Venture Creation has assisted his skills and development. Mr Boshomane serves as both a leaner and mentor of the program and has managed to recruit a number of members within NAAASP and he continues to empower and influence NAAASP members in a very positive way.

Mr Boshomane has expressed his passion for NAAASP members and stressed how the NVC Program is an essential training for SMME’s.  He indicated that there have been challenges in the past in terms of the program being a manual program, especially for someone who is as technically inclined as him, however over the past few months the program has developed electronically and this has worked well.

“The program has been very beneficial and COVID-19 has in fact had a positive impact on some of the developments made within the industry as well as to my other business interests,” says Boshomane.  He says COVID-19 has in fact pushed everyone to think outside the box and adopt a positive mind-set. “It has left the industry with no choice but to adapt or die.  The pandemic left all of us with no choice but to embrace the digital age. In fact during this time I have managed to start a disinfectant and fogging business which is currently growing at a rapid rate.”

Mr Boshomane notes that his colleagues within NAAASP see the value of being part of the NVC program, although some of them have very high expectations. “We as South Africans need to always be mindful of the fact that “Nothing is Free”, therefore we all need to acquire some skills and contribute towards the betterment of our economy,” he says.

“The RMI wishes these businesses all the best on the outcome of their application, and we are glad to see that they are eager to empower themselves for the betterment of their businesses,” concludes van Huyssteen.