Retail Motor Industry Organisation

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Benefits of belonging to the RMI


Belonging to the RMI makes business sense. Below a few reminders.

Legacy and unity

• We’ve been representing the retail motor industry for more than 100 years.

• With more than 8,000-member businesses, our unity is our strength.

Your voice

RMI represents the industry at:

• Centralised wage negotiations.

• Various MIBCO and Industry-related Boards and committee structures.

• Various South African Bureau of Standards (SABS) committees and working groups.

• The National Regulator for Compulsory Specifications (NRCS), defending our industry when compulsory specifications and standards are compromised.

• The Moto Health Care Fund, Industry Provident Funds and the Sick, Accident and Maternity Pay Fund.

• Meetings hosted by reputable organisations recognised by government, big business, consumers and relevant stakeholders like Business Unity SA (BUSA).

Supports your business

• Professional industrial relations advice ensuring procedural and substantive fairness when disciplining staff.

• Chairing of disciplinary hearings and AUTOMATIC entry at the CCMA, DRC and Labour Court.

• Exceptional CPA support at the National Consumer Commission (NCC) and the Motor Industry Ombudsman of South Africa (MIOSA).

• Facilitation of a business-to-business complaint where both parties are RMI members, with a complaint resolution rate in excess of 95%.

• Training needs and representation via merSETA and W&RSETA.

• Industry-specific products like RMI4BEE, RMI4LAW, RMI4OHS and RMI4SURE.

Covid-19 monitor

  • Providing our members with valuable information and protocols regarding Covid-19 as and when they happen. More than 150 monitors sent to our members since the inception of lockdown.
  • Providing members with guidance on how to mitigate the risk of spreading the virus within the workplace for the safety of their employees and customers;
  • Ensure that members remain compliance with regard to the Disaster Management Act and Regulations;

Keeps you in the know

• Industry labour relations seminars.

• Automobil magazine and weekly web letters.

• Commenting on industry topics in the media, and participating in and hosting numerous conventions and shows.

Our Voice