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National State of Disaster: Adjusted Alert level 4 – amended regulations

Stay Safe Languages (vaccinate) English 01

On 11 July 2021, the National State of Disaster Adjusted Alert Level 4 was extended for another 14 days with restrictions remaining in place until 25 July 2021, subject to a number of amendments.

We noted in our COVID-19 Monitor dated 28 June 2021 that persons travelling to and from Gauteng in the course of carrying out their works responsibilities, may only do so whilst in possession of a permit which corresponds with Form 7 below.

The amended regulations provide an obligation for persons travelling for reasons other than work responsibilities to and from Gauteng, to be in possession of a sworn affidavit which corresponds with Form 6 below. Persons may only travel to and from Gauteng under one or more of the circumstances as listed in the affidavit.

Please note that whilst the State President in his address to the nation on 11 July 2021 made mention of the extension of the Temporary Employer / Employee Relief Scheme (TERS) to more sectors, in aid of mitigating the adverse effects of the present lockdown provisions, no regulations to this effect have been published by the Department of Employment and Labour. Once they are, we will advise Members as to the impact thereof on their businesses.

We urge our members to adhere to the provisions of the latest regulations. We will provide communication as soon as further regulations are published.