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You're invited to a NRCS consultation

The National Regulator for Compulsory Specifications is a public entity of the Department of Trade and Industry led by Minister Ebrahim Patel. Its mandate is to protect the health and safety of consumers, the environment and ensure fair trade.

NRCS enforces compulsory specifications and technical regulations in the automotive industry under which you trade and cordially invites you to the Fees & Levy Consultation Sessions.

The purpose of these sessions is to consult on the levy increases for the 2019/2020 financial year.

Levies must be paid by importers and manufacturers of automotive components as well as builders of motor vehicles, which need to be regulated by the NRCS.

The automotive industry currently has approximately 20 compulsory specifications regulated by the NRCS. Product levies differ from product to product based on specific calculations, therefore it is imperative that you attend these consultations in order to make your voice heard in the determining of these levies.

Kindly note the date and time of the session in your specific region and ensure you RSVP by no later than 8 July 2019 to the addresses contained in the invite.

Download your invitation here