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Invitation to National Artisan Development Roadshows 2019

The Department of Higher Education and Training invites all artisan development stakeholders to the National Artisan Development Roadshows 2019 to be held around the Republic of South Africa. The following stakeholders are invited:    EMPLOYERS (Private and Public); ORGANISED LABOUR; SKILLS DEVELOPMENT PROVIDERS; TRADE TEST CENTRES; GOVERNMENT DEPARTMENTS (All tiers of government); INTERNATIONAL PARTNERS (Private and Public); SETAs; NGOs and OTHER ARTISAN RELATED STAKEHOLDERS.

To register to participate in their provincial leg of the roadshows click on the link provided below.

Please refer to the links:

Dates and venues –

The National Artisan Development Roadshows 2019 programme –

The National Artisan Development Roadshows 2019 invitation –

The dates, venues and times were also posted on the merSETA website –