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Opportunity to participate in The SKILLS Bridge Masterclasses

Skills Masterclass Pic Aug 2023

Episode 5 on Empowering Sector Skills Bodies

Mr. Ashwani Aggarwal, the Workgroup Leader responsible for Skills Policy, Systems, and Digitalisation at the International Labour Organisation (ILO) within the Skills and Employability Branch of the Employment Policy Department, cordially invites your participation in the SKILLS Bridge Masterclasses Episode 5 centered around Empowering Sector Skills Bodies.  Kindly read more about The Skills Bride Masterclasses – see document below.  It is important to mention that on the ILO’s official website, you can access additional content from previous episodes.

In the context of South Africa, our sector education and training authorities (SETAs) serve as platforms where employers and labour/unions act as representatives for their respective sectors. Collaboratively, these SETAs formulate sector skills plans that amalgamate input from employers and labour/unions.  Additionally, in South Africa, employers who submit workplace skills plans and annual training reports, as part of mandatory grant submissions, provide indispensable data. These pieces of information are consolidated for the purpose of data analysis and future planning. This process mirrors the functions performed by sector skills bodies in various other regions across the globe. This presents a valuable opportunity for your participation in the event. Mr. Ashwani Aggarwal, based at the ILO headquarters in Switzerland, highlights South Africa, alongside the United Kingdom, as two countries with a notable history of effectively employing sector skills bodies.

There is no cost associated with attending. To provide you with a brief overview of what to anticipate:  The webinar aims to discuss the role Sector Skills Bodies could play in empowering lifelong learning and facilitate labour force skilling, reskilling, and upskilling. The webinar aims to present lessons learned in countries with a long sectoral policy tradition, within different contexts and regions. Therefore, we will be inviting representatives from key ministries and SSBs from the UK, India, and South Africa to briefly present on their practical insights and recommendations based on their career-long expertise in this field. The webinar will provide key insights into how to harness the potential of SSBs to enhance the skilling, reskilling, and upskilling of the workforce to meet the increasing dynamism of labour markets and challenges emerging from a variety of global drivers of change.

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