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Time to say farewell – a word from RMI’s CEO

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As I embark on my retirement, this will be my last Driver’s Seat and my heart is full of gratitude for the incredible journey we have shared together for the past three decades. Steve Jobs once said that “Great things in business are never done by one person, they are done by a team of people” and that could not be more true.

I am exceptionally proud of the progress we have achieved together. The RMI is in its strongest financial position since inception, despite the trying times we have all experienced. In addition, our associations have also recorded good financial results with the majority enjoying healthy surpluses against deficit budgets.

As I get ready to start a new chapter in my life (one that will thankfully include a non-executive position on the RMI Board), I am deeply indebted, not only to my colleagues and friends at the RMI, but also the industry as a whole. There are too many individuals and organisations to mention, but each of you will remain an indelible part of my life, as you have been for so many years.

A special word of gratitude to RMI President, Jéanne Esterhuizen; our RMI Vice Chairperson, Ferose Oaten, for their strong leadership and direction. I also extend my sincerest thanks to all members of the RMI Board, the executive management team and colleagues throughout our organisation and beyond.

I am delighted the board has approved the appointment of our second Co-CEO: Strategy and Corporate Support who will work closely with Jan Schoeman, CEO: Operations & Regulatory Compliance. We will release details

on this appointment shortly. He is a dynamic young man who we believe will add value and even more drive to our proud organisation. Congratulations to both gentlemen. Our organisation has a bright future and I wish the RMI Board, Executive Management, Committees and all my colleagues every success in the coming year.

I am confident the organisation is perfectly positioned to once again evolve and advance with the dynamic market changes under the dynamic new leadership structure.

As always, the RMI remains committed to serving the best interests of our members, our industry and our country – and we are ever grateful for the support of an increased membership, which helps the organisation to remain relevant and continue to be the collective voice for the retail motor industry.

The motoring public has also never been in a better position to do their automotive buying, repairs and maintenance with RMI members, who are well equipped and ready to take care of consumer needs and expectations.

As this is our last magazine for 2023 and our country is once again focusing on 16 Days of Activism for No Violence Against Women and Children (25 November to 10 December), we are reminded to unite to raise awareness about gender-based violence, challenge discriminatory attitudes and call for improved laws and services to end violence against women and children for good.

In closing, I would like to wish all our members, the RMI Board and other committee structures, management and staff a happy festive season. Please travel safely and enjoy some well-deserved downtime.

RMI CEO - Jakkie Olivier