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Honda develops app to enhance journeys in motor vehicles for the blind

Honda Develops App To Enhance Journeys In Motor Vehicles For The Blind May 2024

Honda Scenic Auto is the world’s first AI-powered accessibility app, which has been designed to enhance journeys in motor vehicles for the blind and visually impaired.

Honda has developed an innovative web application which utilises AI technology to assist in expanding the joy of the journey in a car to the blind and visually impaired by creating and narrating nuanced real-time scenic audio descriptions of the world outside their car window. Developed in partnership with the Perkins School for the Blind’s Howe Innovation Centre, the Honda Scenic Audio app is the first AI-powered accessibility app built to enhance journeys in cars and other modes of transport for the blind and visually impaired.

The Honda Scenic Audio app relies on a combination of computer vision, generative AI, satellite imaging as well as geotargeting and weather reports, in order to create a meticulously detailed, scenic narrative of what is happening outside of a car window on a road trip or scenic drive, by going beyond the basics of dictating the scenery.

Audio descriptions in media and entertainment enable inclusive experiences for the blind and visually impaired and Honda Scenic Auto was built to create multifaceted narratives with a literary tone and expressive descriptions with nuanced adjectives, recognisable sounds, comparisons of heights and terrain and even the temperature outside.