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PAIA Annual Report deadline extended to Friday 12 July 2024 

Paia Pic Report 2024

Please note that the deadline for the submission of PAIA Reports for the 2023-2024 financial year has been extended to Friday, 12 July 2024. Information Officers and Heads of Private Bodies must submit their annual PAIA Reports by this date.
We would like to remind all Members that they should already be registered with the Information Regulator and that this is the second iteration for the submission of PAIA returns.
As the Information Regulator has moved to a new IT system, even if already registered, all Members will need to reregister. Reregistration is straightforward and requires only your original registration number to ensure a seamless process. The PAIA return itself is concise and easy to complete.
To assist you in this process, we recommend using the attached comprehensive guide that we have created, which provides clear instructions on how to complete your submission.
Click on the link to see the extension notice:
Please note that to be able to submit the PAIA Annual Report, the Information Officer or Deputy Information Officer must be registered with the Regulator.
Thank you for your attention to this important matter.