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Proudly presenting the results of our transformation survey – More than 50% of members are Level 4!!!! 

Rmi Transformation

 Dear Valued Member,

Firstly, a very big thank you to everyone who participated in our transformation survey and who uploaded their B-BBEE certificates.

It is crucial that the RMI has its finger on the pulse of this vibrant industry. Surveys are the way to get valuable feedback from members so that we can master important change necessary. This will no doubt benefit your business. Our sample size was 2608, comprising 1969 corporate members and 639 ordinary members.

We proudly share results and insights with you based on the findings.

Here is what you need to know

The results are better than expected. On average, more than 50% of our members are level 4 compliant, or better, creating an opportunity to demonstrate our commitment to and progress with transformation and compliance in our industry.  Broken down this means:

– 70% of corporates are a level 4 or better while 92% of normal members are level 4 or better.
– 86% of normal members are exempted from being measured on the B-BBEE scorecard as they have a turnover of less than R10 million.

Why is this important?

RMI plays a critical role in engaging with, and lobbying Government and other stakeholders, on behalf of its members on all matters relating to Transformation and B-BBEE compliance. The ultimate goal of broad-based black economic empowerment (B-BBEE) and Transformation is a deracialised economy that seeks to broaden and deepen economic benefit and participation. Economic transformation is required to achieve and maintain a competitive and sustainable economy, societal stability and secure inclusive growth and empowerment. The RMI is fully committed to accelerate this process.

We now have an opportunity:

– Communicate our data and insights to members and other stakeholders.
– To continue to gather more data points.

The 2 biggest challenges our members face:

1. Management Control

Management control remains a challenge across our membership base with many members expressing their concern over the lack of financial security to maintain and grow their businesses as well as the management skill and resources to effectively grow the business.

2. Skills Development

There is unfortunately a challenge with skills across our entire sector and we appreciate that this is an area of concern for many of our smaller members.

How we can help

The RMI has a dedicated Training department and recently also starting rolling out qualified training advisors who can assist and help members in each region. You can contact your Regional RMI Training Advisor to find out more.

In addition, we see an opportunity:
– To assist members through our existing strategic project (RMI Training Advisor)
– To leverage underutilised SETA funding to assist members.
– To run ad hoc podcasts and webinars to assist members
– To translate upskilling into improvements in management control.


Please make sure you do not miss our upcoming SME webinar on 16 May at 12:00 – 13:30. To register you need to send a mail to in order to obtain the link to the webinar.


RMI wants true empowerment in the sector. Empowerment is not about giving away or receiving free equity in a business just to meet legislative requirements. It is a tool for growth and sustainability that every RMI business owner should learn how to use.  When implemented correctly B-BBEE supports job creation, global competitiveness, stability in our communities and economic growth. It also has the potential to reduce the burden on entrepreneurs and help to create a more skilled workforce.

Small changes now could build up into an impressive profile five years down the line. The challenge is to improve on your B-BBEE activities and score every year.

If you have not submitted your B-BBEE certificate so we can capture your status  we urge you to do so by emailing Noni at 

We have more than 20% of member BEE data collected and we need to continue to build on this number. Remember: Your B-BBEE certification is not just a piece of paper – it’s a key that unlocks doors to opportunities. Many clients, especially in the public sector, prioritise suppliers with strong BBBEE ratings. This isn’t just about compliance; it’s about creating a competitive advantage for your business.

If you have any queries please do not hesitate to contact RMI head-office on 0118866300 or email

You can also find out more about the transformation criteria here: 
Kind regards,


Nonhlanhla Tshabalala