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RMI IR online seminar invite – Handling incapacity in the workplace

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We are pleased to announce that the RMI will be presenting an online seminar entitled – Handling incapacity in the workplace

  • When:                  27 June 2024
  • Time:                   10:00 – 12:00
  • Cost:                    See registration form attached
  • Platform:            Microsoft Teams
  • Presenters:        Itumeleng Mathibe 

Some of the topics of discussion will be:

– Incapacity due to ill health.
– Incapacity due to poor work performance.
– Incapacity due to supervening impossibilities.
– Incapacity due to incompatibility.
– Legal incapacity.
– Process to follow for incapacity.
You are invited to secure your attendance by completing the registration form attached.

A certificate of attendance will be provided to each delegate.

Banking details:
Standard Bank Randburg.   
Branch Code : 018005.   Account No. : 021670013
Reference for RMI Members:
IR SEMINAR + IM + RMI Member Number
Reference for Non-RMI Members:
IR SEMINAR + IM + Your Organisation’s Name