Retail Motor Industry Organisation

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THE PURPOSE of this member survey is to identify and understand the changing needs of our members, to best inform our priorities and strategies for the future and, very importantly, to test our member satisfaction with the support, products and services offered by the RMI and its Associations. Your participation will assist the RMI in remaining relevant and continuing to ensure that Belonging, is indeed better Business.

Your feedback is important to us. It would not take more than 3 minutes to respond.
Herewith the survey:
If you want the RMI and/or Associational representatives to contact you personally to discuss the survey or member benefits, please provide us with your name and contact details and email us at
Once you submit your response, you are in the run to win an awesome RMI branding package and a Takealot voucher worth R5000. One accredited RMI member and one Basic / NAAASP member stand a chance to win these amazing prizes!!

Please ensure you complete the survey before Friday 28 June.  We appreciate your feedback.