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The RMI Transformation Survey – have your say

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Have your say – Get involved and be part of the change

It is crucial that the RMI has its finger on the pulse of this vibrant industry. Surveys are the way to get valuable feedback from members so important changes can happen. This means that YOU need to get involved and have your say!

The Transformation survey link was sent out to all members on 22 September 2021. While the RMI has received feedback from some members, the response rate has been low and the information received cannot be used to inform any substantive decisions at this stage.

Why is this survey important?

The information received from the survey will allow the RMI to measure the level of Transformation amongst its members. It will help the RMI to engage fruitfully and meaningfully to achieve its Transformation objectives.  

Remember that the RMI plays a critical role in engaging with, and lobbying Government and other stakeholders, on behalf of its members on all matters relating to Transformation. The ultimate goal of black economic empowerment (B-BBEE) and Transformation is a deracialised economy that seeks to broaden and deepen economic benefit and participation. Economic transformation is required to achieve and maintain a competitive and sustainable economy, and secure inclusive growth and empowerment. The RMI is fully committed to accelerate this process.

What will the RMI learn from the survey?

Importantly, it will help the RMI understand the demographic make-up, regarding race and gender, of its membership base. With this information the RMI will be in a better position to plan and implement Transformation initiatives that will advance some of the current programmes and projects it is involved in. It will also assist the RMI with planning and engaging in new initiatives that will promote Transformation.

What is the final goal?

Quite simply, the RMI wants true empowerment in the sector. Empowerment is not about giving away or receiving free equity in a business just to meet legislative requirements. It is a tool for growth and sustainability that every RMI business owner should learn how to use.  When implemented correctly B-BBEE supports job creation, global competitiveness and economic growth. It also has the potential to reduce the burden on entrepreneurs and help to create a more skilled workforce.

B-BBEE is not intended to be a knee-jerk reaction but should be an integral part of your annual business plan and long-term business strategy. Small changes now could build up into an impressive profile five years down the line. The challenge is to improve on your B-BBEE activities and score every year.

Complete the survey 

A unique link has been sent again to RMI members. Please fill in all the details so the RMI has the most up-to-date member information. The link also allows you to upload and save your current B-BBEE certificate online, that way the RMI will keep a record of your B-BBEE status.  If you haven’t received the link this means the RMI doesn’t have your correct email address and you need to contact the RMI head-office on 0118866300 or email