Retail Motor Industry Organisation

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Why use RMI Members

Ensuring consumer peace of mind

The Retail Motor Industry Organisation is a proactive and relevant body for the retail and associated motor industries and is recognised as the leading voice in South Africa’s automotive aftermarket delivering a top-class service to motoring consumers in South Africa. It protects the motoring public by setting and maintaining proper standards of service and ethical trading conditions across the industry.

  • A representative voice of the industry to lobby strongly on issues that negatively impact consumer rights.
  • Access to a valuable, free-of-charge consumer dispute resolution facilitation service. An excellent settlement rate for all consumer disputes and complaints referred to the RMI’s various offices. -Adherance to a Code of Conduct ensuring that consumers who make use of any of the RMI’s accredited members can expect:
  • High-quality products and services at a fair and reasonable price.
  • Accredited members of the RMI to honour both the letter and spirit of any guarantee accompanying the sale of these products and services.
  • Recourse in the case of any unresolved disputes at business level and expert advice on the best form of action.

The motoring public has never been in a better position to do their purchasing, repairs and maintenance business with RMI-accredited members who are well-equipped, competent and ready to take care of their customers’ needs and expectations.